Understanding the Rules for Holding Special Events on Preserved Farms in New Jersey

NJ Landowner Blogs | 2023

In New Jersey, the Legislature overwhelmingly approved a Special Occasion Event law to permit preserved farms to hold special events. Here are a few general considerations for hosting special events on preserved farmlands in New Jersey:

  1. Zoning regulations: Special events on preserved farmlands may be subject to local zoning regulations, which may restrict the type and scale of events that are allowed on the property. It is important to carefully review these regulations and obtain any necessary permits or approvals before hosting an event. The legislation may permit some event activities under the Right to Farm Act despite the municipalities prohibition. The new Special Occasion Event law is NOT a protection under the Right to Farm Act.


  2. Preservation agreement: Preserved farms in New Jersey are protected under a preservation agreement, called a Deed of Easement, which outlines the types of activities that are allowed on the property. Special events on preserved farmlands are subject to these provisions, and it is important to ensure that any proposed events are in compliance with the preservation agreement.


  3. Liability insurance: Farmers hosting special events on their preserved farmlands may be required to carry liability insurance to protect against any accidents or injuries that may occur on the property.


  4. Environmental considerations: Special events on preserved farmlands may have an impact on the environment, and it is important to consider any potential impacts on soil, water, and wildlife when planning an event. Farmers may be required to implement measures to mitigate any potential negative impacts.

By considering these and other factors, farmers in New Jersey can successfully host special events on their preserved farmlands while also preserving the long-term sustainability and integrity of the property.

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